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Rob became a Christian whilst studying at Bangor University through the witness of members of the Christian Union. Graduating with a degree in Forestry Rob travelled to Nepal and spent a year serving with the United Mission to Nepal researching Bamboo propagation techniques before returning to the UK to study theology at Mattersey Hall Bible College. Before joining Spurgeon’s College as Librarian, he worked for 19 years as the administrator of “Contact for Christ”, a ministry which linked those wanting to know more about faith in Jesus Christ with a Christian in their local area. Perhaps his most unusual job was carrying out the tree survey of Windsor Safari Park for Legoland.
In 2001 Rob launched Theology on the Web, an online ministry that makes available free resources for Bible students around the world. Working in partnership with publishers and authors Theology on the Web now hosts over 45,000 theological articles from over 90 journals, as well as hundreds of books. The websites have around 2 million visitors each year. He is looking forward to applying the knowledge he has gained in creating an online library to his new role at Spurgeon’s College.
Rob is a trustee of Book Aid Charitable Trust and enjoys working on his allotment. He is married to Michelle and they have three boys.