The trustees of Spurgeon’s College are known as Governors and are also the company directors. The Governors manage the College and exercise powers of the charity in accordance with its Memorandum and Articles of Association. The College Council is the body to whom the Governors are accountable. The College Council provides advice, acts in advocacy for the College and appoints the Governors and Principal.



Responsibilities of Governors

1. Governance and management

In general, governance is the task of ensuring that the College is setting and achieving the desired objectives and outcomes in accord with its defining documents and purposes and that the organisation is acting prudently, legally and ethically. Management is the task of carrying through those objectives effectively and responsibly and with full accountability to Governors and Council. To fulfil the work of governance Governors will individually resolve to understand the structures and practices of the College and to be identified with its mission, purpose and development.

2. Legal

The Governors are legally responsible for the control and conduct of Spurgeon’s College.

3. Financial

The Governors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and financial statements in accordance with the applicable law and regulations.

View the latest Annual Report and financial statements here.