Library Access for Current Students

In line with the government’s roadmap, we are pleased to announce that we will be re-opening some student services on campus from Monday 17th May 2021. This means that you will be able to book to come and visit the library and book to come and visit staff members for a socially distanced Covid19 secure […]

Virtual College Conference

College Conference is both the name given to the association of former students of Spurgeon’s College and an actual conference which is held on the second Thursday in June each year. This year, it will be on Thursday 11th June. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, College Conference will not be able to take place as […]

SPECIAL EVENT: 24 Hours with Charles Spurgeon

Spurgeon’s College is passionate about training men and women for Christian mission, ministry and leadership in the contemporary world. We are also passionate about Charles Haddon Spurgeon, our founder and the most popular Christian preacher in the Victorian world. At this time of pandemic like all charities Spurgeon’s College is affected financially by the Coronavirus, […]


Earlier this afternoon the Prime Minister recommended that people should avoid social contact. Physical lectures tomorrow and for the foreseeable future, therefore, at College are cancelled. This includes chapel and PMP.  The College will transition to an online delivery of its theological programmes. We will contact students with details of how we intend to achieve […]

CANCELLED: The Whitley Lecture

Regrettably this lecture has now been cancelled due to the social distancing recommendations made by the government. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Listening Conference

Saturday 1st February (10am – 2.30pm), Wallis House, Selly Oak Can you take part in a Listening Conference hosted by Spurgeon’s College and BMS World Mission? 200 people have now contributed to our survey and we are hoping to pull wisdom and experience together into one room to help shape new units for the Baptist […]

Volunteering Opportunity

Learning Support Department Spurgeon’s College has a Learning Support Department which focuses on enabling students with particular learning needs and difficulties to reach their full potential. It is staffed by a part-time Learning Support Co-Ordinator, who works with teaching staff to provide support to those students who are identified as needing it most. The Co-Ordinator […]

OfS Announcement

Spurgeon’s College is pleased to announce that the Office for Students (OfS), has approved our registration. We are delighted that following this decision we can continue with increased vigour on our core mission to train men and women for Christian ministry. This decision comes off the back of considerable effort from our staff, Governors and […]