Saturday 1st February (10am – 2.30pm), Wallis House, Selly Oak
Can you take part in a Listening Conference hosted by Spurgeon’s College and BMS World Mission?
200 people have now contributed to our survey and we are hoping to pull wisdom and experience together into one room to help shape new units for the Baptist Union to train missional leaders.
You can help to shape new courses on:
- Justice and Peace Making
- Place and Place-making
- Using Entrepreneurial skills for mission
- Building Spiritual Resilience
- Understanding the deconstructionist project and the rise of those who describe themselves as ‘ex-Christian or ‘churchless followers of Jesus’
- Being and Making disciples away from church structures
- Understanding Culture
- Managing Change
If you have experience or expertise in one or more of these areas then please come and share it? We will listen and provide lunch!

Please click here to register
This event is free however it would be helpful to know who is coming in advance .