The Foundation Year (Year Zero) at Spurgeon’s College is the first year of a four-year BA in Theology (Hons) course that prepares students for degree-level study in Theology. This course will prepare students for progression onto Level 4 of the various BA (Hons) in Theology pathways. It will provide them with opportunities to explore theology and encourage personal growth and development of effective academic skills, essential for further academic study or employment.
Programme Duration
4 years full-time including the Foundation Year. Students may transfer to part-time after the Foundation Year.
Mode of Study
Online/Distance Learning. After the Foundation Year, students may either continue in this mode or transfer to the in-college degree course.

Entry and Language requirements
- 2 GCSEs (at grade 4/C or above) or equivalent are required.
- Alternatively, candidates can be considered for admission on the basis that:
- They provide a personal statement outlining their work experience to date including the reason for applying for the course
- They submit a standard 750-word assignment to test their writing and English language skills
- Candidates must be proficient in spoken and written English.
- EAL Applicants (i.e., those for whom English is not their first language): IELTS (academic): average score of 6.5; the score for reading and writing bands must be 6.5.
- This first year of the course is not eligible for those wishing to enter the UK on a student visa as it is taught purely online as a distance learning qualification Non-UK nationals are welcome to apply to study this course online from outside of the UK via distance learning. Non-UK nationals who wish to study any part of the degree after the Foundation Year in-person at the College, can then apply for the visa in the normal way and will need to provide documentation confirming their right to reside and study within the UK.
The College will not normally admit anyone under the age of 18. Any exceptional case where an applicant fulfils the normal academic requirements will be referred to the Admissions Committee. There is no upper age limit.
The Foundation Year will comprise 120 foundation credits at level 3. The units are as follows:
- Unit C301 Study and IT Skills (30 credits)
- Unit C302 Writing for Academic Success (30 credits)
- Unit C303 Introduction to Theology (30 credits)
- Unit C304 Life Skills (30 credits)
Overview of Units
C301 Study and IT Skills (30 credits)
This unit provides basic skills relevant to academic study, such as reading for learning, reading, thinking, oral and written presentations and finding resources in libraries and online databases. It will also provide the foundation for referencing to avoid plagiarism. It will equip them with skills for notetaking during lectures and personal study. Students will learn how to use Microsoft Office – Word, Excel and PowerPoint, and search engines online.
C302 Writing for Academic Success (30 credits)
This unit builds on C301 Study and IT Skills unit. It is designed to support students in their academic subject disciplines and to strengthen their confidence in key skills areas such as academic writing, research, academic integrity, and collaborative and reflective practices. This unit will familiarise students with the generic English language skills and academic writing skills sufficient to cope with independent study at the undergraduate level. It aims to provide language and academic skills support, which allows students to follow their main course of HE UG studies with more confidence, and with a better understanding of the cultural and sub-cultural environment in which they are working and living. Students will be able to speak individually and interact with others on familiar academic topics, conveying the general message in most contexts; follow the argument of lectures and other long stretches of speech on familiar academic topics; understand a range of academic texts and complete a variety of tasks based on them; and cope with written assignments for an undergraduate degree.
C303 Introduction to Theology (30 credits)
This unit provides an introduction to Christian Theology. It introduces the students to theological vocabulary and basic theological concepts such as God, Bible, Faith, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and Church. Some Christian denominations are explored, as are their differences and shared customs and beliefs. After considering various approaches to the theological task; the unit explores an integrated, theological approach which gives due weight to Scripture, tradition and context.
C304 Life Skills (30 credits)
This unit provides opportunities to enhance students’ life skills and personal effectiveness to contribute to their successful study of theology. It involves developing students’ knowledge and skills in effective management of self, interpersonal communication, time and money, to enhance the effectiveness of their study and employability. Skills covered in this unit include self-awareness, self-confidence, emotional intelligence, empathy, communication and interaction, coping with stress and emotions, decision-making, and time and money management.
How much does it cost?
You can find a breakdown of current fees by course type here.
How to apply
You can apply by completing an online application form using the link below.
Please contact the admissions department for more information.
Telephone: 07425 716696