The BA (Hons) in Theology can also be studied by Distance Learning (part-time only).
The Distance Learning programme is a great option for those who are unable to attend the College campus due to location, work commitments, and/or personal circumstances. It is flexible because each student can adapt learning to fit their personal schedules. Distance Learning can save students time over the course of the day as they are able to chose when to access recorded content, enabling them to practice good time-management skills; a skill highly valued by employers. A university degree taken by Distance Learning will also provide potential employers with evidence of critical technical skills required in many modern work environments.
The Certificate of Higher Education in Theology and Spurgeon’s College Undergraduate Access Award can also be studied via Distance Learning.
The aims of the BA (Hons) in Theology programme are to:
- To provide students with an excellent quality of theological education which matches those who are studying at the College campus.
- To provide a creative and engaging form of learning that allows scheduling flexibility and supports coherence and structure.
- To provide a supported learning community, utilising appropriate platforms to provide asynchronous and synchronous learning opportunities, facilitating peer-to-peer and tutor-to-student interaction.
Teaching methods across units will include:
- Pre-recorded video content accessible via the College’s Virtual Learning Environment (Moodle). Spurgeon’s uses Panopto, a system used by 22 of the world’s top 25 universities, to create and manage video content.
- Live weekly tutorials using Zoom with unit tutors (1 hour per week)* offering students the chance to discuss the subject material covered in the lectures with their tutors.
- Peer engagement with fellow students, allowing for more interaction than usually experienced in a traditional lecture.
- Webinars that supplement unit content by providing interactive and stimulating additional information for students assisting in locating the core content of each academic unit in a wider context
*Tutor-led sessions will take place on Tuesday evenings.
Student Support
Support available for all Spurgeon’s College students includes:
- A confidential chaplaincy service.
- The Learning Enhancement Department, which provides study skills support, especially to students with recognised specific learning difficulties and physical disabilities.
- A pastoral group structure which facilitates peer-to-peer support and student-to-tutor support.
Those studying on the distance route will be given access to a variety of electronic resources to facilitate their studies. They may also use the physical library if they are able to come to the College campus.
How much does it cost?
You can find a breakdown of current fees by course type here.
A deposit of £300 and registration fee of £450 is payable when accepting an offer.
How to apply
You can apply by completing an online application form using the link below.
Please contact the admissions department for more information.
Email: admissions@spurgeons.ac.uk
Telephone: 07425 716696