Saturday 1st April 2023 (10am – 4pm)
Want to explore counselling? Our Taster Day is designed to provide a basic understanding of the role of counselling and active listening.
Are you already in a helping role and would like to hone your skills to facilitate deeper and more meaningful connections with those you work alongside? Are you interested in training to be a counsellor?
Our Counselling Taster Day is designed to provide a basic understanding of the role of counselling and active listening skills within different helping roles. It introduces the value of self-awareness to facilitate self-care when working with emotive subjects and vulnerable people. Furthermore, it provides an opportunity to begin to explore the origins of your own patterns of behaving so that this can be used to understand your current relationships. After all, it is only in knowing ourselves that we can truly know others.
What does the course cover?
This course is 6 hours in duration and covers the following:
• The use of active listening and helping skills including paraphrasing, summarising, reflecting and questioning.
• The components of effective helping relationships and the conditions that support meaningful change.
• The importance of boundaries and how to maintain them in helping work.
• A conceptual understandings of empathy, sympathy and compassion and how they influence the receiver’s experience of feeling heard and understood.
• An understanding of the importance of developing self-awareness.
• An initial exploration of your own personality and patterns of relating and how they may influence how you respond to others.
• An opportunity to participate in counselling skills practice.
The course uses a wide range of teaching approaches from large and small group discussion, creative methods and skills practice to engage learners and equip them with the resources to develop and practice news skills.
Who is the course for?
This course is popular with those who work (or are considering working) within helping roles such as schools, ministry, health and social care, as well as those who are considering counselling as a career. It is a good stepping stone towards formal qualifications in counselling.
Tickets are £45 per person and can be booked above.