The value of a Will
Since Spurgeon’s College first began in 1856 with just one student, we have relied on the generosity of people like you to be able to train and equip God’s people for mission and ministry. And right from those early days, leaving a gift in a Will has been one of the most important ways our supporters have helped us continue our work.
Fanny Walker was one person whose wonderful generosity has made an enormous difference for years after her death. Fanny was the owner of the Falkland Park mansion and estate. It was her wish that, after her death, the house and part of the estate should be offered in trust to Spurgeon’s College. Her husband, Charles, made sure her wish was carried out and thanks to her kindness the College was able to move to the site in 1923.
You don’t have to live in a mansion to need a Will, or to leave a gift in your Will. Whether we are leaving a little or a great deal, having a proper Will is the only way to make sure what we leave goes where we want it to. Without a will, our loved ones could have unnecessary problems and complications at a difficult time.
After you have provided for your family and friends, please consider leaving a gift to Spurgeon’s College
You can help transform lives and communities for generations
You may want to support the College because you may have been trained here yourself, or you have have benefitted from the training given to a Minister in your church. Or you may have seen at first hand the transforming work of trained ministers or missionaries in your own community.
But leaving a gift in your Will is not just about past memories. It is a way to help make sure that the future of the college remains strong and clear.
No gift is too small
A gift in your Will could be the most affordable gift you can make, and the gift with the most lasting effect. Spurgeon’s College has only come to this part in its history because of gifts left to us over the years and a gift in your Will will help the College meet the challenges of coming years. After you have provided for your family and friends, even a modest percentage of the residue could make a huge difference.
In return for your help you’ll gain the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping to build leaders for God for generations to come.
It’s not difficult to leave a gift in your Will
Leaving a gift in your Will can be straightforward and inexpensive. And if you already have a Will, you can make an addition at any time through a codicil. After prayer consideration of your situation, it’s best to consult a professional advisor. You can download some suggested wording here, which you might find helpful.
Thank you
We understand that the details of your Will are private and personal. However, if you feel able to let us know that you are leaving a gift to College, we would value the chance to say thank you. You can download a form here to let us know about your gift.
We specially appreciate gifts for our general purposes, and you can be reassured that the officers of the College will use your gift wisely and carefully to further the work of the College where it is most needed at the time. However, if you are thinking about supporting a particular area, we would be happy to discuss with you how a potential gift could be used. Please contact Helen Stokley at the College by post or by email: h.stokley@spurgeons.ac.uk