PhD, MA, PgDip, BA
Programme Director for MADT and Tutor in Theology
Mobile: 07917 904307
Peter Phillips is currently the Programme Director for the MA in Digital Theology and Tutor in Theology at Spurgeons College in London, Head of Digital Theology at Premier Christian Media, and an Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of Theology and Religion at Durham University. His current research focuses on the impact of digital culture on theology and on contemporary religious practice – especially around the digital transformation of religious activity during the COVID pandemic. He has strongly advocated a shift to Hybrid models for the future of the Church in which everything the church does is mapped across both online and on-site models. Pete teaches on courses including Digital Theology, John’s Gospel and New Testament Greek at Spurgeon’s College. He is also producing online courses for Spurgeons, Premier Media and the Bible Graduate School of Theology in Singapore.

Pete’s recent publications include The Bible and Digital Millennials, published by Routledge in 2019 and Defining Digital Theology, published in De Gruyter’s Open Theology Journal. He has also published “Pixelated Text” in Theology 2018, Engaging the Word with BRF in 2018, and a new book on The Bible, Social Media and Digital Culture with Routledge in 2019. In response to the COVID19 pandemic, Pete has written a number of presentations/blogs available here ( and is lead author of the Grove Booklet on Hybrid Church. In 2020, Jonas Kurlberg and Pete edited a new collection of essays for SCM: Missio Dei in the Digital Age looking at how the Church needs to rethink and reimagine its missiology for a digital age.